Monday, June 11, 2012

Property Management Must Go Mobile

Have you ever seen someone do not pay attention to anything around him or her and only play the fingers on a little screen in font of him or her? I should ask it because today is not only several people yet almost everybody engrossed with mobile phone every hour and ever minute. Even more, you might see young couple who have a dinner barely talked to each other in the restaurant for the same reason. They were engrossed with their mobile phones for the entire dinner.

This new phenomenon means a lot to property management. We had better go mobile because people want everything available on their mobile phone, including when they search for rental house. They want all the rental process is available online from searching the house, application, pay the fees and put deposit money. We had better have property management website for mobile use so they could do that. Then, we also need custom company application for mobile so our real estate is available on their smart phones.

However, you must pay attention on what potential customer wants on their go, so only put succinct information on the website. The mobile website should allows customer to easily find the home, contact you, and do anything like when they use PC or when they meet you in the office.

The app is your weapon to seal the relationship between you and your customer. If you only have website, they can easily forget you after they close the browser. If they have your app, it will stay on the phone all the time. You can build mindshare with your customer, and then they can easily contact you, and recommend your company to family and friend.
The battleground is moving to mobile phone. Therefore, we need to get there with mobile websites and apps, especially if you want to have last long property management company.


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